First4You Management Services Ltd specialises in 24hrs Supported Living. We are an independent social care provider delivering Supported Living to a range of Service Users including young adults who meet the criteria of low, medium through to critical high support, high supervision needs, moderate physical disabilities, autism, learning disabilities and mental health needs.

We provide a comprehensive package for those who wish to live in shared Supported Living units identified through our accommodation provider partners, whilst we can also offer the same standard of support and intervention for those who wish to remain in their own homes.

We provide Services to support, subject to assessment, the following types of clients:

- Borderline Personality Disorder

- Challenging Behaviour

- Learning Disabilities

- Physical Disabilities

- Sensory & Communication Impairments

- Autistic Spectrum Disorder

- Mental Health Needs
At First4You Management Services Ltd we offer, in line with “Registering the Right Support” guidance (2020), a personalised approach to the development of each service user’s care/support package. This will be built around the needs and choices of each individual and will involve the service users themselves from the outset. We aim to deliver a high standard of professional support and care at all times to our service users. Our care and support provision endorses a holistic approach which is sensitive to the needs of every service user and it will encompass the following essential aspects of the person.

We Support Green 

We operate paperless to support our environment.

What we do

Support with Rent, Service Charges and Benefits Application

Assist with Reporting Repairs

Pay attention to your suggestions and make any necessary modifications.


Residents Engagement Activities

Residents Dairy Management Support- Including Medical Appointments

Support with Independent Medication Self-Administration

Support with escorted outdoor planned visits